" The training will create business interests for all as their hopes and dreams are to learn and begin to make income available at their own terms. They want to send their kids to school, making their community a viable one in terms of trained personnel."

- John Travis ( Director, Safe Home)

Dave Board Memorial Vocational College

Update 2025: School is now in operation

We live in a country where there are many resources for those who suffer from the effects of poverty and a poor education. Unfortunately, that is simply not true in many developing nations. The alternatives for those with a poor education are few and generally are hard-labor related. Hard labor jobs in these nations do not provide a living wage (usually $2 a day).

The David Board Memorial Vocational Training Center ( In honor of our late founder and CEO, David Board) will become a critical educational offering for young orphan adults from Safe Home (Liberia) and the area in general, whose lives did not allow them regular attendance at schools and also for those who simply didn’t perform well enough to qualify for college. The Training Center will offer certification courses in Agriculture, Auto Mechanics, Carpentry, Sewing and Home arts.

Student Spotlight

With these skills a living wage is very likely. This translates into the ability for them to care for their own family; while also providing a valuable service to a community where such skills are in short supply. This, much like college, is one of the key elements required to break the cycle that creates orphans in the first place.

Samuel Sumo - Carpentry

Samuel wants to learn wood work to be a help to his family. He has 5 kids. All his life he has not learned any trade to feed his family and as a result, ended up going to the bush to learn charcoal production. Learning carpentry will enable him also to conduct some repair work in his community and the church.

Naomi Sumo - Sewing and Home Arts

In addition to her desire to do sewing and baking, Naomi, a 16 year old student, is happy to be able to learn a career fast to enable her to feed herself and feed her two siblings. Naomi wants to pay her fees as she is self supported in this community.

Samuel David - Auto Mechanics

Samuel David, a father of 4,  has lived his entire life making charcoal and small size farming which mostly end on the farm after harvest. The food is not enough to carry into storage. Learning how to do minor repairs and maintenance on vehicles will bring him a new sense of hope and income.

Read more about the project and our students in our Newsletter

Give to the Dave Board Vocational School

Your gift, of any amount, will help us fund the operations of the vocational center, including; obtaining supplies needed and pay for instructors.