Learn more about our mission and how your church family can be involved in seeking and saving the lost by hosting a presentation that shows the needs of the orphans of the world, what God wants us to do about it, and how our unique orphan care program has been successful in changing orphans lives for over 20 years. We offer in person presentations led by one of our Church Outreach team members, or a DVD presentation to be shared by your church leadership. Contact us to learn more or to host an event
Register your church to join with hundreds of churches and thousands of Christians across the nation in our Annual Fall Orphan Sunday Event, in November or host a Special Orphan Sunday on a day you choose, to offer up the orphaned and vulnerable children of the world through prayer, love and special offering to save and heal broken orphaned children’s lives. You will receive church bulletin inserts, DVD presentation (approximately 7 minutes) and event posters. Sermon outlines are available upon request for this special day.
Together as a church family, you can have a meaningful impact on an orphan’s life through personal child sponsorship or by providing monthly support towards the needs of an orphan care home which cares for many orphaned children. Whether you choose one orphaned child or a home full of orphaned children, your love, prayers and monthly gift will provide the resources to ensure quality education, nutritious food, proper health and hygiene and the spiritual upbringing that every child needs to become a healthy productive and charitable part of their community. Learn more about sponsoring a child or contact us to speak with a Church Outreach team member.