Our Story
The story of Orphan's Lifeline International is a very personal journey for the founding members.
It all began in the late 90's when Jim & Elma Miller traveled to Far East Russia to evangelize and establish & support the Church of Christ. While there, they visited numerous orphanages and witnessed heartbreaking conditions.
It was one of these visits that prompted them to send information about a little girl living in one of the orphanages, to Greg & Laurie Timmons, a newly-wed couple they knew might be interested in adopting.
Greg & Laurie did decide to adopt the little girl and travelled to the Khabarovsk Krai to meet the girl and complete the adoption. While there, they too witnessed the deplorable living conditions the orphan children there had to live in due to dire economic conditions in the country.
Not long after, Tim & Michelle Murphy, friends of the Timmons', would also choose to adopt and traveling with them to Russia, were more future founders, David & Alaina Board.
Less than a year later, this group of individuals, still haunted by the vision of the suffering orphans in Russia, knew they had to do something more than just feel compassion for the children. They had to take action.
That action came in the form of the formation of a non-profit organization, founded under the direction of a Christian Board of Directors in March of 2000.
Lifeline of Hope had humble beginnings but grew quickly and expanded from Russia into several other countries beginning in 2004.
They began doing business as Orphan's Lifeline International in 2009 and have continued to expand the scope and scale of their work in several countries where thousands of orphan children receive daily care in their Christian family-style children's homes.