Keep a Child off The Street
This family is the perfect, sad, example of the millions of orphans suffering without hope.
When we found them and intervened, they were starving. They were living in a doorless, mud hut that was built for animals.
Their skin was infested with parasitic fleas, causing terrible infections in their feet and hands. Even their toenails had fallen off.
The children had never attended school a day in their life. Until now, they knew nothing about God or Jesus. Their mother begged for scraps every day just to keep them alive.
But this mission is about hope!
Within one month of learning about this family’s dire situation, we had provided emergency nutrition, emergency medical, and they were living in a new, humble home that we built them.
This is the same family, just one month later! What a transformation! Just look at the hope in their eyes!
That’s where sponsorships come in to provide the children with ongoing care! $100 a month per child, provides children just like these with everything they need, not just to survive, but to thrive, either to keep a family like this together, or to care for them in one of our children’s homes. Either way, you are keeping them safe, loved and off the streets!
Rescue a Child Through Sponsorship
Step 1: Keep a Child off the Street
Your $100 per month sponsorship will:
Keep a child off the street by providing for all their needs in one of the quality orphan care homes that we support, or by keeping their family together.
In either case, the child will be in a loving, safe home, receiving all the care they need to have a healthy upbringing.
Step 2: Begin Your Support
Donate online or by postal mail with your first gift of sponsorship. You will then receive a new donor packet within two weeks of your first donation that includes our annual calendar and your first issue of our newsletter, The Voice of the Orphans. You will also receive exclusive access to our private donor Facebook Groups that have updates on the children’s lives at least once per month.
Once your gift is received, our support outreach coordinator will contact you to provide you with your child’s profile. You will receive a welcome letter and your child’s personal profile within two weeks.
We want you to know your child. About every six months you will receive a current 11x17 poster, 5x7 picture and a personal message for you from your child on how they are doing in the home, in school and what their hopes and dreams are for their lives.
Step 3: Receive a Child

“God bless and keep on keeping on with this good work. Thank you for the photos and updates on the children. Bless their precious hearts. I pray that these babies get the nurturing they need. Money cannot give them that. We are thankful to do what we can.”
-Vera S.